Saturday, December 30, 2006

Moon Phase Montage Phase 1 - to be continued!

Had a play with some moon images from my collection (including one of the images from Thursday 28th) might try and get a montage of all the phases of the moon.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Total eclipse 2006

Just thought I would try to combine one of my shots of totality with an image from SOHO taken at approximately the same time. Note how the inner corona detail and flares match up.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Moon tonight

Managed to get out to do some more imaging at last!! been very busy.
Moon was great tonight despite some very high clouds/haze, it was also quite windy which played havoc with my mount - must get that observatory built!!

Anyway down to the techie stuff it was taken with an EOS300D coupled at prime focus to a Meade LX10 20cm (8") SCT which works at f10, exposure time for this on e was 1/125 sec with the camera working at ISO 800.