Saturday, September 09, 2006

Partial Lunar Eclipse

Photo of partial lunar eclipse shortly after moonrise, taken near the summit of The Great Orme next to the cable car station at approx 220m altitude - Camera EOS 300D with std 18 -55 lens.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Partial Lunar Eclipse

What a fantastic eclipse. It had been cloudy most of the day but an hour or two before the eclipse was due to start the clouds cleared. I was worried about the haze over the Liverpool and Chester area but this proved not to be a problem.
The image was taken with a Nikon Coolpix 4500 coupled to a 25mm eyepiece and an ET70 refractor. This is one of many images and has had no processing applied to it yet. I will post further results as and when I manage to do them.