I was out last night untill 02.30hrs trying to get a picture of a perseid fireball. I managed to catch 4 or 5 on the camera but they were not very bright, all the bright ones were always in the wrong place. At 01.40hrs approx there was a very bright fireball streaking through the Cassiopeia region, it was greenish in colour and left a trail that was still visible upto 30 seconds later, the camera was pointing in a diffrent direction. I decided to stack some of the images from last night. This is a stack of 7 images of between 25 and 60 seconds exposure using the 300D with a standar zoom set to 18mm, the images were stacked using DeepSky Stacker (DSS).
JD, great image. Can you tell me how you produced the Asterisms? I was wondering how to get these images for my own blog at http://theelectriccircus.blogspot.com
Hi Kevin,
I labled this one in serif draw using layers 1 for image 1 for asterism and 1 for text I then exported it as a JPEG. I have also used Photoshop Elements in similar way. Its quite good to do this as it helps me to figure where things are in reality. I hope to eventually do the whole of the northern sky this way.
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