Thursday, May 04, 2006

Schwassman-Wachmann 73P Fragment B

Decided to try and image SW73P as it sails past M13, fragment B will pass through M57 on Monday but the weather forecast doesnt look to promising.
This is a composite of 3 120second exposure taken with a 300D coupled affocally to the LX10

M13 Globular Cluster

Imaged the globular cluster in Hercules last night (4 may 2006) using a Canon EOS 300D and a Meade 20 SCT. Very pleased with the result as this was my first go at imaging M13

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Sunspot 875 at sunset

A friend took this pick when we were setting up equipment to image the new moon, the picture was taken with a Canon EOS 20d DSLR and a 400 mm Tamron zoom.