Saturday, December 30, 2006
Moon Phase Montage Phase 1 - to be continued!
Had a play with some moon images from my collection (including one of the images from Thursday 28th) might try and get a montage of all the phases of the moon.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Total eclipse 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Moon tonight
Managed to get out to do some more imaging at last!! been very busy.
Moon was great tonight despite some very high clouds/haze, it was also quite windy which played havoc with my mount - must get that observatory built!!
Anyway down to the techie stuff it was taken with an EOS300D coupled at prime focus to a Meade LX10 20cm (8") SCT which works at f10, exposure time for this on e was 1/125 sec with the camera working at ISO 800.
Moon was great tonight despite some very high clouds/haze, it was also quite windy which played havoc with my mount - must get that observatory built!!
Anyway down to the techie stuff it was taken with an EOS300D coupled at prime focus to a Meade LX10 20cm (8") SCT which works at f10, exposure time for this on e was 1/125 sec with the camera working at ISO 800.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Partial Lunar Eclipse
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Partial Lunar Eclipse
What a fantastic eclipse. It had been cloudy most of the day but an hour or two before the eclipse was due to start the clouds cleared. I was worried about the haze over the Liverpool and Chester area but this proved not to be a problem.
The image was taken with a Nikon Coolpix 4500 coupled to a 25mm eyepiece and an ET70 refractor. This is one of many images and has had no processing applied to it yet. I will post further results as and when I manage to do them.
The image was taken with a Nikon Coolpix 4500 coupled to a 25mm eyepiece and an ET70 refractor. This is one of many images and has had no processing applied to it yet. I will post further results as and when I manage to do them.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Sun Dogs
Took this picture of a Sun dog last week whilst kayak fishing just off the North Wales coast. Took the pic with my Nokia 5140i phone as I forgot my waterproof camera!
What is a sundog?
A sun dog or sundog (scientific name parhelion) is a relatively common atmospheric optical phenomenon associated with the reflection/refraction of sunlight by the numerous small ice crystals that make up cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. Sundogs typically appear as a bright and sometimes colorful spot in the sky at a position 22 degrees to the left and/or right of the sun. They are closely related to, and sometimes appear together with, a halo. Less common associated phenomena, collectively called "ice halos," are the circumzenithal arc, upper tangental arc, parhelic circle, and lower tangental arc. There are 14 other named ice halo phenomena that could be seen given optimal conditions.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Schwassman-Wachmann 73P Fragment B
M13 Globular Cluster
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Sunspot 875 at sunset
Sunday, April 30, 2006
One Day Old Crescent Moon 29th April 2006
On the 28th April I tried (like many others) to image the very new moon, but sadly due to a thin veil of cloud was unsuccessful. The following day was clear and here are the results. The slightly overexposed photograph shows clearly the EARTHSHINE where reflected light from planet earth lights up the part of the moon that's in shadow. I was pleased with this as the Maria are clearly visible. Both shots were taken with a friends EOS 20D and a 400mm Tamron lens. The next chance to see a very thin crescent new moon in the UK will be May 27th.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Crescent Shadows - Eclipse 2006
During the partial phases (where most of the sun is covered) the light coming from the thin crescent sun causes shadows to appear different. One of the most obvious of these happens where the light goes through small gaps through leaves in trees etc. This projects lots of tiny crescent suns on to the shadows surface.
Wide shots during totality - Eclipse 2006
Both of these photographs were taken with a Canon Eos 300d with a 15 - 55mm Std lens, managed to take some time out to actually enjoy this bit with my eyes - a sight I will never forget. You cannot compare the colours or quality of light with anything else. I was pleased with the angled shot as I managed to capture Venus also!
Composite image of eclipse 2006
First Contact eclipse 2006
These are the pictures from my trip to Antalya this year. This was my second attempt at imaging a total eclipse, the first was Cornwall 1999 - which was clouded out! This was FIRST CONTACT, pic was taken using an ETX 70 with a Nikon coolpix 4500 used in eyepiece projection mode. An Astro Engineering Sol-Vu filter was used (I think these use Baader film) It was good to observe some sunspots as the sun had been blank in the few days before the eclipse. I have added the yellow tint in photoshop, as the filter gives a white image.
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